Series LCR Circuits
In contrast to direct current (DC), which travels solely in one direction, Alternating Current (AC) is an electric current that occasionally reverses direction and alters its magnitude constantly over time. Alternating current is the type of electricity that is delivered to companies and homes, and it is the type of electricity that is used by consumers when they plug in kitchen appliances, televisions, fans, and electric lamps to a wall outlet. A flashlight’s battery cell is a frequent source of DC power. When modifying current or voltage, the abbreviations AC and DC are frequently used to signify merely alternating and direct....
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Derivative of Inverse Trig Functions
Derivative of Inverse Trig Function refers to the rate of change in Inverse Trigonometric Functions. We know that the derivative of a function is the rate of change in a function with respect to the independent variable. Before learning this, one should know the formulas of differentiation of Trigonometric Functions. To find the derivative of the Inverse Trigonometric Function, we will first equate the trigonometric function with another variable to find its inverse and then differentiate it using the implicit differentiation formula....
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Line Integral
Line Integral is the integral that is evaluated along a line or a curve. Generally, an integral is calculated when we need to determine a quantity’s value such as area, volume, temperature, etc. for a larger part of the body when we have an expression for a smaller part. It is the opposite of differentiation and is also called an anti-derivative of the function. The Line Integral is used in engineering in various fields when we need to determine a function’s value along a line or along a curve. For example, if we need to calculate work done on an electron by a force field along a curve, we can determine it using line integral....
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Classification of Amines
Amines are an important class of organic compounds. They are widely found in both plants and animals. They are found among proteins, vitamins, alkaloids, hormones, etc. Synthetic examples include polymers, drugs, dyestuff, etc. These amines are widely used. For example, quinine is an important anti-malarial drug, adrenaline and ephedrine are used to raise blood pressure, Novocaine is used as an anesthetic in dentistry, codeine is used as an analgesic (as a pain reliever). Benadryl is used as an antihistamine drug. Quaternary ammonium salts are used as surfactants....
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Capacitance is defined as the capacity of any material to store electric charge. The substance that stores the electric charge is called a capacitor, i.e. the ability of the capacitor to hold the electric charge is called capacitance. It is denoted with the symbol C and is defined as the ratio of the electric charge stored inside a capacitor by the voltage applied....
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Riemann Sums in Summation Notation
Riemann sums allow us to calculate the area under the curve for any arbitrary function. These formulations help us define the definite integral. The basic idea behind these sums is to divide the area that is supposed to be calculated into small rectangles and calculate the sum of their areas. These areas are not accurate, but they help a lot in getting an idea about the actual area. The more the number of rectangles, the closer it takes us to the actual area. Let’s look at Riemann sums with sigma notations....
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Logic Gates – Definition, Types, Uses
Logic gates are the fundamental components of all digital circuits and systems. In digital electronics, there are seven main types of logic gates used to perform various logical operations. A logic gate is basically an electronic circuit designed by using components like diodes, transistors, resistors, capacitors, etc., and capable of performing logical operations. In this article, we will study the definition, truth table, and other related concepts of logic gates. So let’s start with the basic introduction of logic gates....
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Qualities of a Good Salesman
The process of informing customers and persuading them to purchase products through personal communication is known as Personal Selling. It is a two-way communication and involves direct face-to-face communication. Salespersons are appointed by companies to create product awareness and preferences with the aim of making sales....
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Functions of Money
Money is any object or item which is generally accepted as a mode for payment of goods & services and repayment of loans or debts, such as taxes, etc., in a particular nation or country. Money was invented to facilitate trade as the barter system was not able to express the value and prices of goods & services. The term money covers all things like currency notes, coins, cheques, etc., to carry out all economic transactions and settle claims. As a currency, money circulates from country to country and person to person to facilitate trade. Different stages of money are Commodity Money, Metallic Money, Paper Money, Credit Money and Plastic Money....
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Reverse Chain Rule
Integrals are an important part of the theory of calculus. They are very useful in calculating the areas and volumes for arbitrarily complex functions, which otherwise are very hard to compute and are often bad approximations of the area or the volume enclosed by the function. Integrals are the reverse of the differentiation and that’s why they are called anti-derivatives. There are formulas for the integrals of standard functions, but these formulas usually do not extend to the cases where functions become complex. One such rule is the substitution rule. Let’s study this rule in detail....
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Crystal Field Theory
A coordination compound consists of a metal atom or ion at the centre, surrounded by a number of oppositely charged ions or neutral molecules. A coordinate connection connects these ions or molecules to the metal atom or ion. When dissolved in water, they do not dissociate into simple ions....
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Linear Independence
Linear independence is a fundamental concept in mathematics that has numerous applications in fields like physics, engineering, and computer science. It is necessary for determining the size of a vector space and finding solutions for optimization problems....
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